£118.00/week(inc. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
Total (inc. tax)

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Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 9th April.

Contents insurance

You must have cover to stay with us. You can purchase an appropriate amount of cover alongside your booking. Simply select how much it would cost to replace the value of the items being stored and we’ll add the cost to your bill.
Insurance cover cost
/week (inc. tax)

Security deposit

Upon booking, a refundable security deposit will be charged. It's returned upon vacating, unless damages or other terms are not met. If you cancel before move in day, the deposit will be returned in full.

Deposit amount

Please note

A deposit of one months fees will be charged when the booking is confirmed. You will be charged for storage on your move in day. Cancel anytime before then to avoid any further charges.
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“Britannia lanes team have been fantastic they where able to sort me out a storage unit in a matter of hours. The unit i had was at the new falmouth site which is all controlled by an app to get in and to unlock your storage unit. Very easy to use and you can share your access with other people that are helping you move items. There's a toilet on site which is spotless. The encounters with the staff at both truro and falmouth site have been a pleasure. I would recommend anyone to use the storage units and their removal side as well”

225 sq ft First or second floor

Contents of a large house

£118.00/week(inc. tax)
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
Total (inc. tax)
Billed once, today
Security deposit
Total (inc. tax)